Our Donors
Thanks to our donors, partners and other supporters we succeed in our mission helping people to enjoy their rights. Through this recognition of our work we have been able to run our program successfully for over 27 years, bringing us each day closer to Universal Access to Legal Rights Protection.
Our current donors:
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds:
- Legal Rights Protection Program in Egypt
- ‘Implementing SDG 16 in Kenya’
- ‘Legal Inclusion Program Towards Sustainable Development Goal 16’
- Projects run by Microjusticia Peru, Microjusticia Bolivia and Microjustice Former Yugoslavia
- The Dutch Ministy of Foreign Affairs funds Microjustice programs since 1997
Friends of Microjustice
- Provides Microjustice with seed and development funds
Our donors for previous programs
Cordaid funds:
- ‘Legal empowerment of women, children, entrepreneurs and laborers (labourers) in Kenya’
- ‘Investing in entrepreneurs through legal empowerment in Bolivia and Peru’
- Projects with Bolivia, Kenya and Peru
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund funds:
- ‘Post-emergency legal rehabilitation in Kenya and Peru’
The United Nations Democracy Fund funds:
- ‘Strengthening democratic participation of indigenous and peasant communities in Bolivia and Peru’
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees funds:
- projects run by Microjustice Former Yugoslavia
La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) funds:
- projects run by Microjusticia Bolivia